I would like to thank everyone who commented back on what a horrible person I am and how disgusted they were, it really meant a lot to me. Two of my favorite comments being;
"I'm disgusted and outraged, my fists will tell you so the next time we meet" and
"That cant be real. She must have been photoshoped in there."
Recently "social media" has been tearing through the business world like a Dane Cook album through a middle school. As far as buzzwords go, social media seems to be the Twilight to Globalization's Harry Potter. Everyone loves to talk about what a significant revolution it is but how many really understand it? Yesterday after a lecture about social media given by my marketing professor I was talking to him about starting this blog and linking it on Facebook. "ah very good, blogs ... facebook...social media..." However after further discussing the idea of statuses, comments, and how to reach various sub-networks within social networks it became increasingly obvious that he had no idea what I was talking about or how social networking sites really worked.
Today almost all "cutting edge" products have Facebook pages but still seem to miss the mark. Social media is not just about traditional marketing ideals of increased exposure but direct interaction with both individuals and communities.
How much more does the marketing head of Nike really understand social media than the thirteen year old members of Dane Cook's Facebook group fan site?
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